Sunday, April 18, 2010

Block #2 completed, and I must say, I like it even better than Block #1.  It went together much faster as well - I think I'm just becoming more familiar with the technique.  Next month I will try the assembly order suggested below.  I have some visible stitches where the triangular pieces insert, and I think the "make a ring" idea might help.  I love seeing the difference that fussy cutting makes!  Each of the blocks posted looks different and although I obviously recognized the fabric right away, it took me a minute to suss out how people had cut their fabric differently.  Each piece is gorgeous!  Happy piecing in May:)


  1. Very pretty! Can you explain the "make a ring" a little bit? Are you talking about sewing together all the triangles before adding them to the rest of the block?

  2. Love the fabrics that you received Meg. I tend to be a bit of a perfectionist with all things, but I've learned if you can't see the problem unless you have your nose right in it, it's not a problem.
    Minka, first I stitched the squares and the diamonds together in a ring. Then I joined the two yellow triangles onto the sides of the striped triangle. That made 6 3-triangle pieces. Then I sewed those to the outside of the ring. After that was complete I sewed the large hexagon to the rest of the block. This seemed to be a whole lot faster than sewing each piece wprking from the inside out. It was neater for me also. Hope that made sense.

  3. That looks great Meg. Yours is a combination of my fabrics and Gretchen's - best of both worlds!

  4. GretchenH: Thanks for the explanation. Very interesting. It seems counter-intuitive but obviously works best!
