Thursday, August 12, 2010


How's everyone doing on their blocks? I have the paper piecing done for all except the last one (block 6) and it's half finished. I still have to applique to the background, but that's the easy part. I hope to have my pictures up in the next week.


  1. I've finished the piecing of blocks 5 and 6 but haven't appliqued them yet. Someone pointed out that I had appliqued the earlier blocks the wrong way! After agonising over this, I saw a photo of someone else's version of the quilt done awhile ago and that person made the same mistake as I did but the finished quilt looks fine so I'm not going to bother unpicking...I'm just going to keep doing what I've been doing. Hope to pick up block 7 this week. We're nearly there!

  2. Hi Gretchen, I've had a slowdown this month due to travel, but I knew that would happen. I'm almost finished with block 5; but received block 7 in the mail today, so clearly I need to pick up the pace! I'm considering switching to hand piecing. Has anyone tried this on these blocks? It's good to know how to do the English paper piecing, but I've decided it's not for me and I'm seeing that I consistently pick up other projects vs. this one for that reason. But, I'm committed to finishing b/c I love the final quilt!

  3. I thought about doing hand piecing but that was after I had already done 4 blocks so I was worried that they would look significantly different. I think it would go a lot faster.

  4. gretchen glorious color only is an on line shop only.
    I saw them on the website and ordered them
