Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Blocks 4 & 5

Block 5

Block 4

I'm about half finished with block 6 and have cut out the pieces for block 7.


  1. Gretchen, your blocks look terrific! I've finished piecing up to block 7 but not yet appliqued to backgrounds 5, 6, 7. At first I thought 5 looked too pink but from yours it looks like the blue breaks it nicely. 2 to go!

  2. Looks great! I'm about halfway through block 6, feeling a bit nervous that 8 is already in the post!! But the more blocks that are completed, the more comfortable that I feel that they will all eventually 'go together'. Thanks for posting your pictures, Meg

  3. Your blocks look great!
    Has anyone noticed that the photo of the finished block that comes with the fabric each month shows the block with the triangle points facing north, south, east and west?
    The directions that came with the first block said to turn the block so the flat part of the triangle faces the sides before we applique it down. By the time I got to the applique I had forgotten that part!!
    So now I have 4 appliqued down pointy-sides facing out.
    I was wondering if I should correct them.
