Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Blocks 4 & 5

Block 5

Block 4

I'm about half finished with block 6 and have cut out the pieces for block 7.

Block 3

Or is it #4. The photo taken using my iPhone which is not the best quality and the whole coloring is off just a little bit. It's pinned waiting to be basted but I'm waiting till I finish all to applique to the background.

Thursday, August 12, 2010


How's everyone doing on their blocks? I have the paper piecing done for all except the last one (block 6) and it's half finished. I still have to applique to the background, but that's the easy part. I hope to have my pictures up in the next week.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Finally...Block 4 finished...and in the nick of time because Block 5 is nearly here. How are the rest of you going?...would love to see any alternate fabric versions. Nearly half-way through...can't wait to see how all the blocks will go together....the colour schemes for each are so different. It's nice having some hand-piecing to do in amongst all the machining. I've never found machine-piecing to be accurate, no matter how anal I get about the 1/4" seams. Have just started learning foundation piecing which is fun but confusing. Anyway, I'm enjoying this BOM - it gets quicker each time and I don't have to think about choosing colours. Not sure how I'm going to position the blocks at the end...whether to have the diamond at the top or the triangle or just mix it up.

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Block 3 completed! I was looking forward to a nice long weekend (to commemorate ANZAC Day) but managed to get myself sick with some version of the flu so ended up taking 2 days' sick leave as well. But it wasn't a complete waste of time. Did Block 3 whilst sitting like a zombie in front of the TV. I love the colours...they helped cheer me up. My yellow outer triangles are a different fabric from the picture so will be interested to see what fabrics you other ladies have. I think I cut my triangles with the half flowers a bit differently too. In the pattern, the half flowers aren't so prominent so maybe I overdid it. But still having some problems with those pesky tails. Hardly took any time to put together...maybe that's partly due to the excitement of opening the package, drooling over the fabrics and cutting them up...this fussy cutting is addictive. Or maybe I was just bored witless. I think I will have to disinfect my block.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Block #2 completed, and I must say, I like it even better than Block #1.  It went together much faster as well - I think I'm just becoming more familiar with the technique.  Next month I will try the assembly order suggested below.  I have some visible stitches where the triangular pieces insert, and I think the "make a ring" idea might help.  I love seeing the difference that fussy cutting makes!  Each of the blocks posted looks different and although I obviously recognized the fabric right away, it took me a minute to suss out how people had cut their fabric differently.  Each piece is gorgeous!  Happy piecing in May:)

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Block one completed. Block two almost done. I finished the paper piecing and will start appliqueing it to the backing this afternoon. But I thought I would a picture of it in it's almost completed state.
The fabrics I received for Block 1 are the same as Susan's, however I misplaced the strip for the triangle tips so used one that I had in my stash that was a diffent colorway. The fabrics for Block 2 are quite a bit different and give a different look entirely. The color is a little washed out in my photos though.
Block 2 took a lot less time to piece. I stitched the squares to the diamonds first to make a ring. Then stitched two yellow triangles to one striped triangle, then attached to the diamond /square section, finally stitching the whole mess to center hexagon. This process was less awkward and faster for me. Still looking for a way around the thick points.

Friday, April 9, 2010

Block 3 here I come!

This is my very first time posting a blog so apologies for any weirdness in how it looks. Any tips? I spent a lazy day over Easter completing my Block 2. Here it is along with my Block 1 which has slightly different fabrics from Meg's. The pink and orange "flower" seems to float on the "star". Block 2 didn't take me half as long as Block 1 and those tails were still a bit thick but with some careful trimming and cautious folding, I think I've got them beat. Isn't it great how the same block can look so different. Have had a sneak preview of Block 3 which looks yummo! Can't wait.

Saturday, March 27, 2010

First block completed!  I've never done English paper piecing before -- one of the appeals to doing this BOM was the chance to learn it.  At first, the going was very slow and I started thinking maybe this technique wasn't for me.  But I really like hand piecing and applique, so I kept at it, hoping that it was just a matter of getting a rhythm going.  And by the end of the block, I felt much more comfortable -- I think I'm really going to like it.

Is there anything to do with the 'tails' of the outer triangles other than to tuck them under as you applique the completed piece?  I felt mine were a bit bulky and you can see in the photo that there are a few ripples in the lower left hand corner.  I'd appreciate any tips!

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Welcome all Tessellators!

Welcome to the blog for Brigitte Giblin's Tessellations BOM class. I'm Meg Hamilton -- I met Kathy Doughty when I lived in Sydney, and was a 'frequent shopper' at Material Obsession. Since then I have moved to Switzerland, but with the growth of the BOM classes, I've been able to stay connected to the wonderful, creative quilting community of MO.

The only drawback to taking the BOM classes long-distance is that I feel I miss out on the camaraderie of others in the class. So, you can imagine how excited I was when someone started a blog for the Sue Ross BOM class. That group is now about six months in, and it's been a lot of fun to see others' accomplishments and exchange info as we all work together. That blog is run by a class member, and knowing how much enjoyment I get out of it, I offered to establish one for this class.

Here's how it works: E-mail me at meghamilton@yahoo.com, and once I confirm that you're taking the class, I'll send you an invitation to participate as an author, meaning that you can both post and leave comments on others' posts. (Those not taking the class are free to visit the blog but cannot post or comment.) While I've started the blog, the content will be provided by the class members -- I will post if I have something to say, but no more or less than any of you. Please don't be shy! Frequent posts by lots of people keep things interesting.

I believe that Brigitte and Kathy will both join and may periodically comment. However, you will continue to receive all information for the class via email exactly as you have been. Joining is not a requisite for the class, nor will you miss any crucial information if you don't choose to join. It's just a fun 'extra'!

Look forward to seeing lots of great blocks here - good luck as you get started! Meg